If time, budget or your communications requirements don’t allow for a consultancy basis, I offer bitesize and ad hoc solutions. Contact me to discuss pricing and availability.

Communications health check
  • Time commitment: 2 hour call
  • Are your communications working for you?
  • Outcome: a summary of what was discussed and an easy to implement plan
Communications strategy workshop
  • Time commitment: questionnaire and half day workshop
  • Mapping your communications objectives to your business objectives
  • Identifying your audience’s motivations and desires
  • Mapping your business to the nature and/or climate sector
  • Outcome: a communications strategy with objectives, audiences and channels
Messaging & value proposition strategy workshop
  • Time commitment: questionnaire and half day workshop
  • Workshopping messaging that will engage and influence your audiences and make you stand out from your competition, and make sure you are communicating consistently within the climate and nature sectors
  • Outcome: a messaging and brand positioning document including recommended channels and tools


Writing content


Impact reports

Landscape mapping

Crisis communications

Learn more about my other services

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